Final Curated Blog
by Daniel Moss (z5320381)
The final blog post will include a few of my favourite images capturing the essense of my models and the visual communication skills learnt this term in BENV1010. Overall I am happy with many of my images especially my computer generated models. I believe I did not create the most appealing physical models and that is something I will have to further develop to enchance my future architecture career.
The final blog post will include a few of my favourite images capturing the essense of my models and the visual communication skills learnt this term in BENV1010. Overall I am happy with many of my images especially my computer generated models. I believe I did not create the most appealing physical models and that is something I will have to further develop to enchance my future architecture career.
First Cardboard Model (Week 5)
Fusion 360 Initials Model (week 7)
Illustrator File: Layout (week 5)